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Mandelson returns to government! Who’d have thought it? The guy is forced to resign from government on two different occasions and Gordon Brown hands him a cabinet position.

First, Mandelson should have little or no credibility with the British electorate. Does our PM really think the electorate are so stupid as to forget the Dome fiasco, Mandelson’s lying on his mortgage application form and the lies about his involvement with the Hinduja brothers’ passport application. This smacks of desperation and of a beleaguered PM ensuring his Blairite enemies don’t launch a plot to oust him before the next general election.

Secondly, before he takes up his cabinet position he will have to be appointed to the House of Lords, this from a political party who’s aim is to make the House of Lords a democratically elected chamber. Hey ho, needs must as the devil drives eh?

Mandelson’s appointment to cabinet and the return of Campbell indicate that NuLabour has given up the ghost of being straight with the British public and signifies a return to the bad old days of post 1997 when the British electorate were lied to time and time again just to make the government of the day look good.

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